Wild Blood

Hear this wild blood
Boiling beneath the skies of this crazy world
Flowing in rhythm within these veins in a wild hunger
Running mindlessly in search of her wild love............ Reason

See this wild blood
Washing against the current of a distant memory
Bleeding out the names and faces of all others before, all others ahead
Masking this wild heart in search of her wild love......... Perception

Feel this wild blood
Drowning the chambers of my heart, shooting up in all, the lyrics of my life
Taking what isnt mine and leaving the un-wild to go on without me
Making me cry out in search of her wild love............. Failure

Smell this wild blood
Its odorless crave for the judgment call; nothing that i want, yet everything i give, take, leave, Break.... great expectations...
Crazy hopes breathing a life in search of her wild love.......... Hope

Taste this wild blood
The opium of my soul, the poppy field of this broken man
Settling amongst the un-spoken words of ur tongue, in the flavor of the devil's dance
Going down these days in the name of her wild love........... Meaning

Balance this wild blood
In the palms of ur hands, while i go overboard, ur going with me shhh...
Power, apprehension... truth, deduction.. cage this fucker if u dare to try
For in all this blood there's really nothing without her wild love.................... Freedom

Find this wild blood
Somewhere between ur perfect life, and the world i fight for u to keep living perfectly
Revealing itself one letter at a time, hiding its reasons behind yours
Wherever it is, somewhere you'll know... when i catch her wild love......... Home

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