Thankfully i got people in my life who love me for me... im not everything u made me out to be, what u claim to know and what u claim to see....

i refuse to live beneath the surface of ur eyes, where u hold no reasons to love and forgive beyond urself... ur words ur actions, turned the corners of this careless mind, i see that i am everything u ever wanted and nothing u could accept... that i am nothing u ever wanted and still couldn't let go of.... todays a good day to repaint the walls of my memory in black, hang my pride in the same place u tried hangin my balls.... lay this room in the ground of my soul and pray that in u, a rose emerges where all the black consumes u now..........

Should have known

That eventually

I'd be standing alone

Wondering, asking

Where the helld u go...

Even long before now

I began searching for u

Same person I once knew

I waited... hoped, got used to

Ur cold shoulders, thinkin this aint love

but i loved, i tried.... I fought fuckin fears for u...

Only to discover I wasn't enough

And as my vision clears I'm seein that

Maybe I was nothing at all....

Not going to cry, even here

I have my pride, I got myself...

Life doesn't say much about

Losing hands although... funny how u left me holding

This empty nothing.... broken promises aint nothing new

Just remember i loved... tried.... broke my fucking heart for u

have a great life and i wish u nothing but the best. get right.


my reply...

I don't understand why some Christians feel entitled to judge others who are not devoted to Christ. I've asked myself the same question and too often I've found that there are many, many people who 'say' they are saved, but that does not clearly define who is the Christian and who is not....

Christians have a right to be proud of loving Christ, and they got an obligation to serve Him where ever his will calls upon them to do so, regardless of what non-believers say or object to. They have a right to freely believe and demonstrate that faith, and they also remain warned that they will be persecuted for doing so.... I cannot judge anyone who believes or claims not to believe. i can only examine myself. Am I judged as a Christian?? Yes all the time, by both believers and non-believers. ima tell u this fucka, between u me and this fence-post, reformed smokers and reborn christians.... fuckin best at that shit.

As a Christian i believe in god with all my heart. why, u ask, and i say this because the world is the world and i have learned that there is no other way to salvation. That's not to say at my darkest times I will not doubt myself (NOT MY FAITH... but MYSELF). yea go figure ha, but the bible does not state that faith comes with its self-serve mechanisms as a Christians we are to feed our faith with the word of Christ, nurture the love that grows for Christ, and to simplify it for u, live to give what all u got, for the love of Christ.

u asked me why the bible speaks in parables, and u say u believe that if God was real that he would find no reason to hide himself from those who do not believe........
i say this to u and listen with not your eyes but listen to me with more of u, listen to me with that force that u use to cloud my own judgment...
the word of God is not for everyone; hearts of the rebellious cannot see or listen with their hearts, for god's word and all the truth is hidden in the parables and is sacred to those who give of themselves first and seek to know the truth of god. who seek Him.

u asked me who made god and the answer is simple, god is infinite. the bible states clearly he is the first, he is the last... beginning and the end... the Alpha, the Omega.

u say to me, that if God were real, there would be proof of this, tangible proof for people to see, feel, smell, hear..... i say this to u, god is not an instant gratification god, even tho we live in an instant gratification society... God's existance is proven by the air u breathe and the sky which reaches no limit. his son jesus christ was his next form of proof. and to this day there is more proof that a man named jesus christ was born to a virgin and walked the earth. carrying out every prophesy foretold, dating back to thousands of years before his birth, and that specific, scientific, and tangible proof does exist, that no man on earth could have possibly done the things jesus did in 33 years of life, down to the very last words in which he spoke to his father, and said ' father, unto your hands i commit my spirit'...

hangon i lost my train of thought.....

as for u thinking i am trying to 'save' u... no need for sarcastic remarks, i understand asshole just fine.... it is not my job to save u that is god's job, its my obligation to share the word of christ with u and in no way am i asking u to rely on me, seek all reference in the bible....

yes.... u almost let me forget, christians are not perfect, and if u were judged poorly by many before stumbling upon ma sorry azz than i say u attracted some bad apples who might not even have a relationship with christ, and it might make u happy to know that God will judge the Christian First.